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Product performance:

This product has advanced technology and experience to develop the precision heating system and the user safety management system; with the temperature adjustment function, can be set at any time to set the required temperature; memory of high quality heater and temperature controller provides a set of temperature is stable.

High quality STANLESS use, completely solve the water and heat caused by the phenomenon, can be used for a long time; the function of the reservation (only for TYPE DIGITAL) use of the environment, you can make an appointment to run automatically after the time and date, provided the largest and power saving effect.

Product features:

This product is used for heating water heating with hot compress instrument, has the following characteristics.

1) precision heating and the use of safety management system technology

This product has the advanced technology and experience to develop the precision heating system and user safety management system

2) precision temperature control system

With temperature adjustment function, can be set at any time to the desired temperature; high quality of memory of the heater and the temperature controller provides a set of temperature is very stable.

3) a variety of uses

HOT-PACK and WARMER TOWEL uses other than the action principle of heating water to other uses.

4) excellent DESIGN

Excellent design style, improve the use of the place of character.

5) high quality STAINLESS use

High quality STAINLESS use, completely solve the water and heat caused by the decay of the phenomenon, can be used for a long time

2) 6 layer structure and strengthening of internal structure

The 2 layer structure increases the heating speed and power saving, the internal structure of the strengthening of the external impact is also safe.

7) drainage easy

Drainage valve installed in the internal instrument, drainage and clean easy.

8) an appointment for automatic action function (only for TYPE DIGITAL)

The use of the environment, can make an appointment to the action time and the date of the automatic operation, provides the greatest convenience and power saving effect.

產(chǎn)品名稱(chēng): HOT PACK UNIT
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