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Manual bed 
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SCS-9 technique bed
SCS-9 technique bed

Power supply: AC220V + 22V, 50Hz + 1Hz;

Maximum thrust: 7000N

The bed size: 65 x 195cm

Bed body lift range: 48-88cm

Adjustable angle of head section: -20 degree - 60 degree

The adjustable angle of the neck and waist section: 0 - 85 degrees

Adjustable leg angle: 0 - 45 degrees

Imported LINAK motor, quiet and no noise.

Nine grade design, all blocks can be adjusted

The adjustment of the bed body is 60 ~ 0.

Product performance:

Top multifunctional treatment bed, bed surface is divided into nine sections, paragraphs are equipped with pneumatic spring, adjustable angle can effectively treat patients using a variety of methods to safety. Equipped with pneumatic spring arm, lift can be adjusted to facilitate the patient comfortable position, but also to reduce the labor intensity of the therapist.

The legs can be separated by a separate type, which can provide a variety of rehabilitation training for the patients with a single leg.

In addition to having the characteristics of common vertical bed, also has the following characteristics: bed with adjustable lifting, convenient for patients to move; the foot pedal angle can be adjusted, for remedial training in patients with Guo joint; with emergency switch safety device. Procedures for the automatic and point control of a computer program to control the lifting and vertical of the bed.

產(chǎn)品名稱: SCS-9 technique bed
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