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Application of low frequency electric therapy in rehabilitation center
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Low frequency current: the pulse current that is below the frequency of 1000HZ in medicine is called low frequency current, or low frequency pulse current. And the commonly used frequency in our clinic is 1-150HZ.

Characteristics of low frequency current:

1, are low frequency small current, electrolysis is less than DC power, some of the current has no obvious effect of electrolysis.

2, the sensory nerve and motor nerve have a strong stimulating effect.

3, no obvious heat effect (usually won't burn patients)

Classification of low frequency current:

1, according to the waveform is divided into: triangular wave (the strongest stimulus), Fang Bo (TENS), trapezoidal wave, sine wave (the most gentle), ladder wave.

2, according to the modulation: modulation type and non modulation type

3, according to the current direction: divided into single phase and dual phase

Therapeutic effect:

1, excited nerve, muscle tissue

Because of the absolute refractory period in mammals of the 1ms or so, the electric stimulation can cause 1 times more than 1ms, so the low frequency pulse current of each stimulus can cause motor nerve and sensory nerve 1 times. The best choice for current frequency is below 100Hz.

2, analgesia

The pathophysiology of pain:

1, pain, the body tissue is a strong physical and chemical factors to stimulate the production of complex local or systemic pathophysiological changes.

2, the body of the pain and the degree of reaction, and the size of the pain, and the nature of pain, intensity, scope and duration of the closely related.

3, pain and mental state of mind.

4, can be accompanied by other sensory disorders, motor disorders and other symptoms

There are several theories on the analgesic mechanism of pain: the control theory of the gate, the hypothesis of the interference of the cortex and the hypothesis of the cover up.

The low frequency of analgesic effect was divided into:

Immediate analgesic effect and analgesic effect after multiple treatments. The so-called instant analgesic effect of analgesia and electrotherapy electrotherapy is after a few minutes to several hours. The analgesic effect of many times after treatment is closely related to the immediate analgesic and the promotion of blood circulation and other factors. Physical factors in the human body will stay for a period of time or a few days, so the effect of repeated treatment is also very good.

Use of low frequency analgesia need to pay attention to:

1, local

2, human superficial

3, promote local blood circulation

The low frequency current can be produced by improving the local blood circulation:

(1) axon reflex

(2) low frequency current stimulation (especially the sensory nerve), so that the release of a small amount of substance P and acetylcholine and other substances, causing the expansion of blood vessels

(3) the skin is stimulated to release histamine, which causes the capillary expansion (which is also the cause of a slightly longer time of congestion at the bottom of the electrodes.

(4) electrical stimulation to produce rhythmic contraction of the muscle, the activity of metabolites such as lactic acid, ADP, and so have a strong expansion of blood vessels, can improve the blood supply of muscle tissue.

(5) inhibition of sympathetic nerve and cause vascular dilatation

In addition to the above three major role in the low frequency and promote wound healing, fracture healing, anti-inflammatory, sedative hypnotic effect. Not in detail here in one one.

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