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Henan Sheng Chang Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.
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Henan Sheng Chang Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.

Training system

If recruitment is the beginning of the new staff management, then the staff training is the business of new staff management continues. The importance of this management is through the development of enterprises, development strategy, business characteristics and corporate culture and management system introduced to new employees, the staff into the job has a lot of incentive effect, the new staff clearly the rules and regulations of the enterprise, employees can achieve self management, saving management costs. Employee training for individuals to further understand and familiar with the process, through the further understanding of the enterprise, on the one hand can ease the new environment of new employees and the resulting psychological pressure, on the other hand can reduce the new staff to the actual idea, the right to look at the work standards, work requirements and treatment, the smooth running of the business in the long term.

First, the purpose of training

Provide the employee with the correct, related company and job information, and encourage the morale of the new staff.

Let employees know what the company can offer to him and his company's expectations

Allow employees to understand the history of the company, policy, corporate culture, and provide a platform for discussion

Reduce the tension in the early time of employees, so that it can adapt to the company more quickly

Let employees feel the company to his welcome, so that new employees feel a sense of belonging

So that employees understand their responsibilities and strengthen the relationship between colleagues

Training staff to solve problems and to provide a way to help them.

The staff quickly put into work, reduce the turnover rate.

Two, training process

The first step: to enable staff to put stability (first mentality level attitude adjustment, let him put down your heart)

New to a strange environment, the couple will worry about whether the treatment and commitment is consistent; will not get attention; promotion mechanism for their own advantage, etc.. First of all, the treatment and conditions, so that the new people to the heart to put down. In addition to the staff on how to carry out career development planning, promotion mechanism, life and other issues of communication. Allow employees to truly put steady mentality leveled and recognize that there is no problem of enterprise is not exist, the enterprise is in find and solve problems in the process of development. The key is to recognize these problems is the problem of enterprise development process or mechanism itself, so that new staff to address the problems of the internal, not go to extremes. To know that no one will quit with you, often thinking to the extreme, unable to turn back, will be forced to leave.

The second step: to enable staff to speak out the truth

Employees are able to accept things that are not well suited to their own ideals, but they are not able to accept the idea that they will be able to accept it. So they should open a "green channel", so that the first time to reflect on their ideas. To the new staff, each of them made a reasonable proposal card, the staff have any idea, regardless of system, management, work, life and other aspects can be raised. On the rationalization of the proposal, the company will immediately adopt and implement, on the proposed people still have a certain material and spiritual rewards. But also give positive response to the proposal, because it will allow employees to know their own ideas have been considered, they will have a feeling of being respected, more daring to speak their own hearts. New staff by the treatment of the commitment is not consistent with the recruitment, resulting in dissatisfaction, this discontent is not a big deal, but the staff came out at first glance, a very natural reaction, but not very good to eliminate this discontent, it will cause the new staff emotional intensification.

The third step: the staff to the sense of belonging to raise up

This will help the staff to change their thinking, to cultivate the sense of belonging. Let the new employee not to own is the outsider". Moved to create, to the new working concern to meticulous degree for the new employees live, often with new employee communication. It is found that they have in their lives, work, help to solve. With advanced enterprise case inspire new employees, let him feel the team the warmth and strength.

The fourth step: make the staff to the professional heart tree up

When an employee truly recognized and integrated into the enterprise, it should guide employees to establish a professional, so that they know how to create and realize their own value. Thus reflects what recruitment is very important, the mission of the enterprise into their duties, sharing sorrow for the enterprises, they use spare time observation, found the problem and reflect to the superior leadership, combined with the actual situation of the function and company, make training to become employees of a kind of active behavior.

Three, training content

First, the paper introduces the history, purpose, scale and development prospects of the enterprise, and encourage the staff to work actively and contribute to the prosperity of the enterprise;

Two, the rules and regulations of the Introduction Company and job responsibilities, so that employees in the work of the company consciously abide by the company's regulations, all work according to the company's rules, standards, procedures, system management. Including: wages, bonuses, allowances, insurance, vacation, health, promotion and mobility, traffic, accidents, complaints and other personnel regulations; welfare programs, job descriptions, job descriptions, labor conditions, operating standards, performance standards, work evaluation mechanism, labor order and other work requirements.

Three, introduces the enterprise internal organization structure, power system, the service coordination between the departments of the network and process, the relevant departments to deal with feedback mechanism.

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